Credit Card Security
Protecting your safety is important to us.
We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption technology to protect the security of your credit card information as it is transmitted to us.
How do I know my credit card information is secure?
To make sure you are accessing our secure server before you submit personal financial information, look at the lower right-hand corner of your browser. If you see an unbroken key or a closed lock (depending upon your browser), then SSL is active. To double-check for security, look at the URL or Location line of your browser. If you have accessed a secure server, the first characters of the address in that line should change from “http” to “https.”Some browser versions and some firewalls don’t permit communication through secure servers like the ones we use to process orders at Solutions Department. If for any reason you cannot access the secure server, please feel free to place your order with us by phone at 248-886-0668.
Address Verification System (AVS)
We use the Address Verification System (AVS) and Card Verification Number (CVV) to ensure that your credit card information is not being used fraudulently. Address Verification Service (AVS) checks to match the street number and zip code of the cardholder’s address.
What is a CVV code?
CVV stands for Customer Verification Value, sometimes also referred to as CVC (Card Verification Code), or CID (Confidential Identifier Number). The CVV code is an additional 3- or 4-digit security number that is printed (not embossed) on a credit card.
How is security improved by using the CVV code?
The CVV code can only be found on the card itself and nowhere else, not even on associated credit card statements. This means that the person requesting the transaction must have (or have had) the card in their hands.
Requiring that a card transaction is validated with the CVV code provides good protection against fraudulent use of a card number that has been obtained without permission or that has simply been guessed. It protects you against other people trying to use your card number fraudulently. The CVV code is passed electronically (using encryption) and without visual inspection directly to the online processing gateway. Transaction failures caused by CVV validation errors are always investigated and, if appropriate, escalated to the credit card company.
Where is the CVV code to be found?
If you are using a Visa, MasterCard or Discover, please provide the 3-digit CVV (Customer Verification Value). This is the non-embossed number printed on the signature panel on the back of the card immediately following the Visa or MC card account number.
If your credit card is an American Express card please provide the 4-digit CID (Confidential Identifier Number). This is the 4 digit, non-embossed number printed above your account number on the face of your card.
Contact Us
Please contact us if you have any questions or problems, we will be pleased to assist you.